calico, coco, cal
whisker is a patient pawmate, though a bit sarcastic. they love to talk with friends & engage in alterhuman culture, loving to talk what it's like to live as a calico maine coon cat in a human body, as well as talking about what it's like as a fictionkin when already a nonhuman in the system.
pawmate identity
host + roleflux, twilight sparkle + rainbow dash fictionkin
personal associations
🐾🐈, beige #352a16, 9th june, gemini, dragon
You can put blinkies, stamps, or whatever misc decor you want here!
always sleepyautism4autismtoast lovermemory lossgay is gooddisabled pridenonspeakingparanoia pronehamburgersmilk drinkergrilled cheeseanalog horrorromantic soullovely werecatpolyamorouspolyamorous lesbianchronic fatiguecatgenderdepersonalization derealization disorderi often dissociatememory lossmisophoniaplushie collectorblanket thiefi <3 simply plurali <3 lighthousei <3 pronous.ccco-hostsentipetrainbow dashtwilight sparklealternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetextalternatetext